So, I haven't had anything gaming related to say for a while! =)
Before my bi-monthly Sunday Pathfinder game earlier this week, I was tinkering with a setting I had thought of a while ago and decided I should try to write it down using Fate Core. It's a very nice (to me) version of Fate by Evil Hat Games.
The basic premise of the setting is that the entire world is this giant insanity inducing maze forest. Inside this maze forest are pockets of livable areas that may or may not make sense. Some are serene valleys, volcanic areas, deserts, mini-oceans, etc. The only way to travel between these areas are portals that appear once and a while.
These portals are short lived and all are two-sided. Unless a person is attuned to the area the portal leads to, they can only stay for 24 hours before the portal kicks them and anything they're carrying out back into the area they came from. Any amount of people can travel through a portal once it's opened.
The main reason I've set up the world like this: my group are active adults with families, jobs that require travel, and other important things going on. If I can keep all 'adventures' to a single session (aka 24 hours) and it makes sense only certain people can go (the portal closed before the whole group could get together to go in) I feel a lot better about the game. I dislike RPing other people's characters as the GM, and it can get annoying for everyone when we have to take time to remember to do stuff with characters that are easily forgotten cause the player isn't there.
I've noticed this 'invisible character' issue a lot these past few Pathfinder games. It's hard for my GM to remember that the characters exist, sometimes we don't have sheets for everyone, and often the characters are 'watching the horses' when we could really use their abilities in that session.
Is this a bit contrived and/or video-gamey? Yes, but I'm okay with that. There are more video-gamey things to come.
Also, to answer your first question: Why not just fly?
Because the Maze extends across the world as never ending branches and under the world as forever expanding roots. Basically, each area is bio-orb (instead of bio-dome) surrounded by the Maze.
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